Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018
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Tuesday, November 27, 2018
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Monday, November 26, 2018
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By MIMPNovember 26, 2018Black HumorNo comments
Black Humor
Black humor is referred to as a technique, a toon, a tune, an attitude, or a genre, in varying degrees in literary research. Black humor has its origins in the 18th century satire (for example, Jonathan Swift) and the romantic irony of the early 1800s. However, as a genre of this type, it was only after the Second World War that there was a growing number of writers in Europe and America whose production was combined with harsh, ironic and grotesque comic situations, and at the same time bringing people into a ridiculous or mindless light. Known writers in Europe have been, for example, Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco and on the other side of the Atlantic, for example Kurt Vonnegut, Joseph Heller and John Hawkes.
Examples of black humor
Dark humor is represented, for example, by Samuel Beckett’s play Tomorrow he comes to the scene where a man takes off his belt to hang himself, and as a result his trousers fall.
Another example of black humor is the Happy Tree Friends series for adult watchers, a short series of short sets of episodes of a few minutes. The main characters in the series are small forest animals who run into comic and violent situations trying to cope with everyday routine routines.
In Joseph Heller’s novel We Military Warriors, according to the army’s rules, fighter pilots the only chance to get rid of flights is to prove to be a mood. On the other hand, any rational person would seek exemption from life-threatening flights. An exporter who has been exempted is therefore already proving with his application that he is full-bodied, and therefore the exemption can not be granted (so-called Catch-22).
André Franquin’s cartoon The black pages contained a lot of black humor. Almost all jokes are subject to violent death or other suffering involving something ironic. The name of the series was duplicated, as Franquin used an exceptionally large black surface in black and white drawings.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
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By MIMPNovember 25, 2018Oddisee Type Beat ❌ J Cole Instrumental – Soulful Hip HopNo comments
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Saturday, November 24, 2018
By MIMPNovember 24, 2018St regis dc weddingNo comments
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By MIMPNovember 24, 2018The History of MoviesNo comments
The History of Movies
Snapshot of Georges Méliès’s movie Travel to the moon (Le Voyage dans la Lune) (1902).
The film’s creation is accompanied by a long evolutionary process, with many different devices in place to produce a live image. [3] The first such devices were the so-called camera obscura, which is the simplest enclosed and darkened room with a hole in one wall. The light rays coming from it reflect the image upside down on the opposite wall. [4] The Taikalyhdy, on the other hand, was able to reflect small pictures painted on glass sheets. It was kind of an inverse version of camera obscura. [5] The phantasmagoric shows, on the other hand, often respected the action films: they contained special effects and visual culminations.
The actual predecessors of the film began to develop in the 19th century. The most important feature of pre-motion motion equipment was the Phoenician Cycle presented in 1833, where a cartoon set on a cardboard box was viewed from the mirror through the reels on the disc heels. The idea of ??the phenakistoscope was also used later in zoetroop and praxinoscope. Such devices were called “philosophical playthings.” [6] They moved towards the movie through the crown photograph. Eadweard Muybridge and Ctienne-Jules Marey, who represented the sub-sector, studied the movements of the people through still images, and in the alternative, they used pictures of repetition of motion sequences. [7]
Although various 19th-century devices can be considered as the predecessor of the film, they did not disappear as soon as the film was born. The first film practices were often combinations of magic short films and film performances [8]. Many of the first projectors were also largely ancillary equipment for the darts. [9]
The Origins
The French Lumière brothers were key to inventing the film, and they also hosted the first regular film shows. For the first time this happened on December 28, 1895, when a simple documentary on the train arriving at the station, L’Arrivée d’un tren en Gare de la Ciotat, was premiered in Paris. Another of the greatest influences of the early days of the film was Georges Méliès, also a Frenchman who can be considered as the father of a trumpet and a fantasy film.
The films were long single-ly short films because long films were not considered economically viable, and technically they were simple and ambiguous. The change was made by American filmmaker D. W. Griffith, whose film-based experiments culminated in the birth of the nation in the spectacle film Birth of a Nation, 1915. The drama that freely edited the US Civil War has not only begun the extensive production of long films with its success, but has brought many of the technical details that have been made to date and inspired many film directors who started their time. Racism in the film caused resistance.
Friday, November 23, 2018
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Thursday, November 22, 2018
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Wednesday, November 21, 2018
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By MIMPNovember 21, 2018Leslie Chow – Incredible VillainNo comments
Leslie Chow – Incredible Villain
Two years after Bangkok, Leslie Chow runs out of prison using a riot as a dread. At the same time in America, Alan Garner generates twenty car chain hoops after buying a giraffe and taking it home by knocking its head highway into the bridge. The father of Alan dies of a heart attack on the shock of his son’s deeds. Alan’s friends (“wolfwood”) decide to hold an intervention after hearing that Alan had long been without ADHD medication. By taking Alania to “New Winds” in Arizona, the “wolf-car” car is driven out of the way and taken hostage. A man named Marshall (John Goodman) and “Black Doug” (Mike Epps) are his security chief.
Marshall tells how Chow had stolen the other half of his $ 84 million gold medal which he had stolen. And because Alan was the only one who had been in contact with Chow after this knock, he commands “wormwood” to bring Chow and gold back to him. He takes Doug hostage and threatens to kill this unless the “wolf” finds Chow within three days. Alan arranges an appointment with Chow in Tijuana where Stu and Phil would try to drug him. But the industry accidentally reveals them. Chow persuades them to help find the hidden gold bullion in the basement of their Mexican villa. But after receiving the gold Chow escapes and activates the alarm system.
But Marshall releases them and reveals Chow’s lies. Marshall was the real owner of the villa, and Chow’s the gold was what he had not originally taken. Marshall gives them a chance but kills black Doug. Through Phil’s phone, friends follow Chow’s Las Vegas. They hear from the owner of the pawnbroker, Cassie (Melissa McCarthy), Chow has switched one gold bullion to $ 18,000, and Stu’s former lover, Jade (Heather Graham), says Chow’s booked a penthouse from the Caesars Palace Hotel. Phil and Alan crashed on the roof, but Chow jumped down the parachute. Stu catches him and throws him on the back. They take this and gold to Marshall, who shoots on the base to kill Chow. But Alan had released Chow, who killed Marshall.
Chow let the “wolf” go and offer one of his gold bullions to Alan. The industry refuses and comes to the conclusion that Chow is not good for him. Phil, Stu and Doug leave Alan in Vegas and ask Cassie for a date. Within six months, they get married. To begin a more responsible life, Alan discontinues the “wolf”, but still wants to stay friends with others.
Between the end texts, a scene is shown where, after the wedding, Alan, Cassie and Phil wake up from the living room and show that they have once again had a confused night they do not remember. Stu appears in another room with breast implants. Alan remembers how the wedding cake was a gift from Chow, who appears naked from the other room with the katana.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
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Monday, November 19, 2018
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Sunday, November 18, 2018
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Friday, November 16, 2018
By MIMPNovember 16, 2018C Tangana Type Beat ❌ Quavo Instrumental – Smooth Trap Type Beat 2018 (FREE)No comments
C Tangana Type Beat ❌ Quavo Instrumental – Smooth Trap Type Beat 2018 (FREE)
By MIMPNovember 16, 2018Hangover 3 reviewNo comments
Hangover 3 review
Hangover 3, released last year, is a sequel to Hangover and Hangover 2 for the 2009 and 2011 films. This three-part smacks, with certain line-ups, quite strongly from Todd Phillips’s critical part of the faith trilogy. And that’s good because the films that follow after the first album are tasteful of scandals, especially this part.
There is some entertainment value, and Alan, who is interpreted by Zach Galifianakis, is one of the funniest comedy characters for a while. Animal crucifixion, rift flaps, sadistic jumps etc. are then matter separately. This movie series is not worth watching if you own a tight hat around your head under which you have not added ice.
Hangover 3 continues the story of the last two parts. It’s been two years since Bangkok’s events. Leslie Chow (Ken Jeong), a gangster around the main characters, escapes from prison. Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms), and Doug (Justin Bartha) all have come to life with traditional marijuana, alongside their wives. Alan (Zach Galifianakis) has, unnoticed, missed his “wolf” as the only cause. His father is deadly shocked by his latest sonship and will soon be the funeral home. Alan’s friends will hear that Alan has not dropped drugs for a long time, so I guess I’m going to have a break in that kind of crap. Phil, Stu and Doug decide to make a good day of work and take care of Alan in Arizona. Unfortunately, John Goodman (Marshall) (John Goodman) throws the “black Doug” (Mike Epps) with stinging sticks … the protagonists will soon hear that Chow has again made it difficult for them to survive. Marshall forces them to cooperate with him by kidnapping Doug as a hostage. So do not change when the criminal pill is dancing …
Hangover 3 has a certain name in the sense of a misleading name because the skulls in this movie are not only drawn in the final texts. Almost even a trilogy movie differs very much from its first two parts (which are almost identical) which is good. The drama card has been drawn up in the third and the comedy is forgotten somewhere in the action, I’m not familiar with it and the drama of the drama. And unlike other movies, Alan and Chow seem to be running the whole story at their own jumps. I do not think that is such a bad thing because the character of Doug’s head is really distant and unlucky (what a heppupolo badly chooses his friend), Phil has nothing very personal and Stu, though this overcrowding is commendable, not simply covering Alania. It’s a shame that the characters of Chown and Alan are pulled too tight. When this has happened, then no one is so much fun anymore.
In the movie, one of the most entertaining visitors in the movie is the one in the middle of the night. The Hangover 3 is a blush, suffering from unevenness and not knowing exactly what it is: a review of the ingredients of the previous parts or something new – no compromise is reached here, but a loosening of both options. There are no such annoying events as in the previous sections, and Alan’s always a weird-looking character reaches the drawer he deserves. But it does not save the movie, Ehei.
The Hangover 3 is the end of the game, a fun and entertaining movie to watch the night out. The movie leaves a few laughs and a slight hint that Kauhea’s bunker has two extensions at all. Well, but if you like the movie series so yes then this part is also a must-see.
By MIMPNovember 16, 2018“mobile agency apps reviewNo comments
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Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
By MIMPNovember 13, 2018FinlandNo comments
The Finnish bedrock belongs to the old Fennoscandian plate, where only small parts are younger than 1 800 million years. The basement is visible in many places. The oldest part of the bedrock is the archeological bedrock of 2,800-2,700 million years old in eastern and northern Finland. The majority of Finland’s bedrock accounts for 1,930-1,800 million years ago of the svekofennic bedrock born in the early stratospheric period. In northern Lapland there is a significant granulitis body. The most significant of the younger bedrocks are rapakivigranites born in Southern Finland between 1 650 and 1 540 million years ago in the middle martial art. [13]
Finland’s area is 338,449 km² (2017). Includes land and inland waters. Furthermore, sea areas are 52 471 km². [1] Due to landslide, the land area grows every year about 7 km². 4% of agricultural land, agricultural land 9%, forestry 77% and other land 10%. [14] The southern part of the country and the coast of Ostrobothnia are flat, but in Central Finland the terrain becomes cloudy. The dangers of Eastern Finland and the Lapland Mountains are the remains of the Karelid Mountains stretching from Eastern Karelia to Lapland. The highest fells in Lapland Lapland are in Skandia, with bedrocks of between 400 and 450 million years. The highest point in Finland is the Haltitunturi, part of the Skande, whose slope rises on the Finnish side to 1 324 meters above sea level. [15]
The most common mineral species is a sea urchin, on which some clay is sometimes colonized. Peat from the organic peatland has formed peat and the cloth fabric in the fabric. At the end of the last Ice Age, the edges of the glaciers along the edges of the glacier and the rungs in the direction of the movement are Finland’s characteristic terrain patterns. The most significant are the Salpausselät, which cross the southern part of Finland from south-west to northeast. The most famous of the longitudinal troughs are Pyynikinharju Pirkanmaa, which is the highest in the world, the source? and Punuharju Saimaa in Puruvesi.
There are exceptionally many lakes in Finland. In total, a total of 187,888 lakes of more than 500 square meters are counted in the country. The largest lake is Saimaa and the deepest Päijänne. Lake Järvi Finland is the largest lake in Finland. The lakes are broken, rich and mostly shallow, with a mean depth of seven meters. Lakes form rivers through lake routes and these waters. The largest waters are the waters of Vuoksi, Kymijoki, Kokemäenjoki, Oulujoki and Kemijoki. Like lakes, the coasts are broken and rich. The Turku Archipelago and the Åland Archipelago form the second most archipelago of Europe. The largest island is the Sääminginsalo (1,069 km²) on Saimaa and the second largest Åland main island (685 km²). There are 179 584 islands in Finnish sea areas and inland waters. [16]