History Black humor is referred to as a technique, a toon, a tune, an attitude, or a genre, in varying degrees in literary research. Black humor has its origins in the 18th century satire (for example, Jonathan Swift) and the romantic irony of the early 1800s. However, as a genre of this type, it was only after the Second World War that there was a growing number of writers in Europe and America whose production was combined with harsh, ironic and grotesque comic situations, and at the same time bringing people into a ridiculous or mindless light. Known writers in Europe have been, for example, Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco and on the other side of the Atlantic, for example Kurt Vonnegut, Joseph Heller and John Hawkes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud9VUDYR3V8 Examples of black humor Dark humor is represented, for example, by Samuel Beckett’s play Tomorrow he comes to the scene where a man takes off his belt to hang himself, and as a result his trousers fall. Another example...